11 Pages 2663 Words
e times magnifications to be sure abortion is complete. He looks for the tissue that develops with pregnancy, not the embryo because it is too small to see. If no tissue is seen, the woman must return to the clinic in 24-72
for another pregnancy test. If the test is positive, she must see a gynecologist to rule out an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus). This simple procedure can be performed up to seven weeks after conception. Many physicians prefer surgical abortion because it is 100% successful and has a very low occurrence of adverse side effects. Some women have learned to do this on their own, but self induced abortions are heavily
There are two methods of non surgical abortions; one is Methotrexate and the other is a new controversial drug named Mifepristone or RU-486. Methotrexate was first developed to fight cancer and is commonly used to abort an ectopic pregnancy. It can be used up to sixty days after conception and is more than 95% effective. A shot is first given to the woman in the arm to kill the dividing cells in the embryo and pregnancy tissue. Five to seven days later the patient returns for Misopristal, inserted in the vagina, to induce contractions and expel the pregnancy. Within twelve hours she will experience cramping and within 24-36 hours will experience what feels like a heavy period as the fetus is discharged. Some clinicians ask the patient to stay at the clinic or hospital overnight and until the abortion is complete. RU-486, taken orally, was just approved by the Food and Drug Administration in June 2000. It is used to block progesterone, "the pregnancy hormone" which signals the woman not to menstruate. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours after taking Mifepristone the patient returns for Misopristol to induce contractions. Bleeding will begin within 24 hours. Some patients complain of heavy cramping, nausea, and sometimes even vomiting. The abortion will be complete in one we...