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Motivation In Law Enforcement

28 Pages 7047 Words

o achieve good motivation every employee’s needs need to be found. This is shown in how lack of motivation causes reduced effort and lack of commitment.

In 1954 Abraham Maslow identified five classes of needs these included physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem needs and self-actualization. The needs, which Maslow identified at the bottom of the pyramid, are based on basic needs concerned with survival, and these must be satisfied before a person can go to the next level. Maslow argued that although everybody is capable, very few actually reach this level.

The author will focus the majority of his research within his community and the law enforcement agencies within his community. The author has been a member of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office for approximately ten years. During this time the author has observed a general lack of motivation at the author’s agency as well as two other law enforcement agencies within his community. A high turnover rate has been observed at all three agencies by the author. Although the motivation of the employees has improved at the author’s agency over the past few years there is still room for improvement, as well as the surrounding law enforcement agencies.

Physical Location and Stakeholders
The physical location of the practicum research project will be at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office 1001 Justice Lane, Bunnell Fl. 32110.
The principal stakeholders are the employees of The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, The Sheriff of Flagler County, The Police Chief of The Bunnell Police Department, The employees of the Bunnell Police Department, The Police Chief of the Flagler Beach Police Department, The employees of the Flagler Beach Police Department, and the citizens of Flagler County.

Local Organizations, Policies, Programs and Services Affecting the Issue
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Policy Manual, The policies of the Bunnell Police De...

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