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“We do not live in a civilized world if the most powerful countries allow genocide to happen.”

I do not consider this statement completely true. I disagree with the fact that genocide alone solely contributes to a non-civilized world. I feel that if genocide were completely eradicated, our world would still not be civilized. Although, this statement does bring up many good points about how, when, and who should take responsibility for the prevention and persecution of those that commit genocide.
Based on the international system now, steps such as the Nuremberg trials, the Geneva Conventions, International tribunals, and recently the International Criminal Court are multilateral means of correcting genocide offenders even though there are no “world police officers.” I strongly support International organizations to help bring justice to these gross offenders of mass murders. These organizations allow for powerful countries to jointly discourage the wrongs done and this will lead to a more cooperative and peaceful means to justice. As opposed to certain countries taking sides and just causing a major disaster. It is obvious based on the case of Rwanda in 1994 that the United Nations does not have much power in controlling genocide. These steps will hopefully answer the questions of whom, and how genocide offenders can be stabilized.
The question of “when” countries should intervene brings up controversial issues of sovereignty and human rights. I deeply feel that intervention should be mainly based on its own national interest and security. This is the only basis of making the decision because there is an international government is anarchical. For example, I completely agreed with the decision of non-intervention when General Pinochet forcefully overthrew the Chilean government. It was in our country’s best interest to allow Pinochet to instill democratic ideas in his country and to condemn that of com...

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Essays related to Genocide
