Worldly Problems
3 Pages 648 Words
In the world today, we are faced with many problems. Some problems that we face in almost every country are unemployment, food, politics, our governments, education and politics. Although we have those problems, it is the government’s job to deal with most of them. This essay will discuss which government is the most progressive and profitable. The reason I say most progressive and profitable because there really is not a best government in the world at least right now in this present day. The four standards that you should use to judge and acknowledge the quality of a government are: How strong their military is and how it can protect their country; How well they provide money for education and press it more, how well they raise employment and prevent high unemployment. The last standard that I chose to expect from a quality government is how well they balance their budget for the economy. These are four very important issues that a government has to deal with and must improve on everyday. Why I chose these four selections? Military, in order to have a strong government you have to have a strong military to back you in case of disagreements with other countries. Education, because people in our country need to be educated so they will know more about their government and it is just as important for the government to be educated just like everyone else. I chose employment because everyone needs a job in every country in order to live and take care of his or her families. Most importantly, the reason I chose that every government needs to balance their budget and economy is to prevent the country from being in Depth. The Government that is doing the best right now is China. China has always been known to have many educated people. Their government is one of the strongest governments in the world today. “China’s communist government has maintained tight control over politics and speech has opened up the economy”. China ...