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John Edwards

2 Pages 411 Words

John Edward’s

John Edwards was born in Seneca Carolina and raised in Robbins North Carolina in a small town there he had learned how to do hard work from his father Wallace Edward’s who worked in toxic mills and his mother who ran her own shop and worked in the post office to. And this is how John came to believe that all Americans deserve a equal chance to succeed.
John was a good student and got good grades and he was the first of his family to attend collage. He went through North Carolina State University were he graduated in 1974. Than he went on to earn a Law degree from the University of north Carolina at Chapel Hill.
John went on to join political positions and in congress he emerged quickly as a champion for the issues that make a difference to America. While John was a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence he has worked hard to make a strong national defense and to make are security homeland much stronger.
John Edward be leaves that we should stop the creation of new concentrated animal feeding operations. And he also be leaves that we should ban packer ownership to help family farms and that we should fully fund the conservation security program, And Reduce air and water pollution from large live stock operations.
John be leaves that the students should vote for him because he will have collage for everyone will provide tuition to public universities and community collages.
He will also have collage affordability he will pay for education cost for students who make a 5 year commitment to teach where top-flight teachers who are short in supply.
And other reasons why you should vote for John Edward’s is that he wants to enforce the trade agreements. An Example is that we have a 100 billion dollar trade deficit with China the largest in history between any 2 nations in part of lax Chinese trade law enforcement he say’s it’s time to hold other countries to their commitments. He also w...

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