10 Pages 2412 Words
I. Introduction
II. Marxism
A. Definition & Explanation
B. Example: Economic Evolution
III. Resource Mobilization Theory (RMT)
A. Definition & Explanation
B. Example: The Parliament versus the Crown
IV. Institutional Theory
A. Definition & Explanation
B. Example: Social Change
V. Conclusion
Human relationships have always been dynamic. Change and
adaptability have gone hand in hand with the passage of time for human
society. Systems have been developed to regulate, direct and control
the resources of this society. The systems are referred to as
governments and the resources as the populace or inhabitants and forces
of production. A government must be dynamic in its nature reflecting the
change in society. At times these systems have resisted the necessity
to adapt with its components (Society) creating a deficit between the
system and those it regulates. As the deficits develop, they cause
instability, and could lead to revolution.1
Theories have been developed to explain the systemic phenomenon
called revolution. This paper will discuss three modern theories and
apply them to the English revolution of 1640. The first theory,
developed by Carl Marx (Marxism), will address the economic evolution in
English society. This theory will emphasize and explain how the shift
from a feudal/mercantile system to capitalism affected English society.
The second, called the Resource Mobilization Theory (RMT) developed by
Charles Tilly, will explain how the English organizations (the Crown and
the Parliament) effectively obtained, amassed and managed resources.
Samuel Huntington's, "Institutional Theory", will argue that the
existing government at that time was unable to incorporate the demands
and personnel that the socio-economic changes created.