Monoplization And Its Implication On A World Scale
8 Pages 2120 Words
The monopolization of the capitalist system is at the base, a degradation, not only of the "free-competition" of the capitalistic (bourgeoises) socio-economic order, it is also, the degradation of the working class and, in fact, the respective systems imminent demise.
During the Cold War competition between potential monopolist nations, USA, France, Germany, England and Canada was highly minimized and co-operation was (ironically) encouraged to counter the Soviet threat. Today, with the fall of the pseudo-socialist states in the Eastern block and the subsequent degeneration of such states in Asia, cooperation has been deemed unnecessary and a general neo-imperialistic takeover, a rat race if the reader will bear with me, has been instigated.
However, it must be understood before the reader continues, the process unravelling before our eyes today, this disaster, is not a recent occurrence. Some economists and political analysts have dated its"birth" to the start of the Russo-Japanese war and the industrialization of the African colonies (imperialism).
This being the case, though imperialism is primarily considered a political phenomenon by bourgeoises economists, socialists have cooked deeper into the matter and "unveiled" the economic character of imperialism and it's apparent contradictions (this will be dealt with later, as well as an overview of the historic contradictions, economic intricacies and ethical realities of imperialism. It should also be stated, that the term monopoly, "monopolization" will be dealt with from the left-wing point of view, as "imperialism").
The two prevalent schools of economic thought, the left wing (socialist) and the right wing (libertarian, "laissez fare" capitalists ...), have entirely different view on the matter of monopolization of capital.
While the socialist, especially those of the Marxist persuasion (to which the author belongs), claim that the monopolization of capital is t...