Cultural Imperialism
1 Pages 238 Words
Cultural Imperialism: Negative changes to the modern world
Today’s world is changing rapidly. New processes and developments take place and implement in the world. Those transformations deserve explanation, because of their often contradictory essence. Globalization is one of those that contain important implications both in the economic and political field, and its terms require special attention. Along its doctrine the issue of cultural imperialism is also revealed. However, because of the dynamics of those two it can be accepted that cultural imperialism is the one that created the term “globalization”.
Along the positive aspects that cultural imperialism contains, it is challenged by much criticism, greater part of it based upon the positive side: that likewise the homogenous aspiration of the globalization cultural imperialism promotes unification, removal of cultural and physical barriers, shared culture, etc.
Nowadays information is of those things that from periphery of has moved to the center and now holds the position of being the most important issue, by which modern world is described – Information age. Manufacturing is not the most important by far, replaced by service orientated jobs. Thus a shift from physical to mental work is created. For countries that are still developing or emerging this presents a very complicated problem. They have to deal not only with the changes they are undergoing that have resulted from shifts from one system to another but moreover they have to adapt to a set of completely new conditions....