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8 Pages 1900 Words

Socrates has thoroughly justified his own decision to obey the opinions of the majority and
serve out the sentence that his own city has deemed appropriate for his crimes. At the beginning
of this piece, Socrates has presented a period of questions and answers through dialogue with
Crito. Throughout the dialogue Socrates is explaining his reasoning for not running from the
government. Crito does not understand the madness of Socrates, Crito will do whatever it takes
to help his friend to flee, instead of being exiled by the government. AI do not think that what
you are doing is right, to give up your life when you can save it, and to hasten your fate as your
enemies would hasten it, and indeed have hastened it in their wish to destroy you.@(Crito p.58c)

Throughout the begining of the dialog, Crito is expressing his feelings of why he believes
Socrates should flee from the city. Crito makes many valid points on why he disagrees with
Socrates decision to bare this misfortune. Crito offers to do on not fleeingbeing majorints
expressing to Socrates, that a man as courageous as Socrates and who has lived his life through
virtue . AYou seem to me to choose the easiest path, whereas one should choose the path a good
and courageous man would choose, particularly when one claims throughout one=s life to care
for virtue.@(Crito p.59d) Through the dialogue the questions and answers within Socrates and
Crito establish to major themes in which hold true throughout the work. The first being that a
person must decide whether the society in which one lives has a just reasoning behind it=s own
standards of right and wrong. The second being, that a person must have pride in the life that he
or she leads. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his
own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that he has
made is just. AI am the ...

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