3 Pages 733 Words
Rejection is the hardest thing that a person has to handle in relationships. Rejection is when one person disregards another person’s affection towards them. After the first exposure to rejection a person is very cautious on whom or what they let get close to their heart. The heart is the most sensitive part of a person’s body. It obtains a physical and an emotional purpose. Its physical purpose is to help the rest of the body function properly. The emotional purpose is that it protects how people treat and react to each other. If a person’s heart is in pain because of rejection it is hard to determine how a person is going to react.
An individual’s reaction to rejection is always different because it depends on the person and how well they handle pain. There are some that rebound, which means after ending one relationship they automatically go into another relationship. Rebounding causes speculation from people outside of the old relationship; the person was in the relationship. The outsider thinks that the person was in the other relationship before he/she left the last relationship. The ex-partner thinks or notices that the person who proclaims that they loved them did not love them. Some think that the person is in denial about how they really feel. Some people try and move on with their life but do not go into a serious relationship very quickly. There are people who fall into a stage of depression. Depression contains different levels. One level is when a person is still in love with their former companion and tries to forget or run away from the feelings they still obtain. While in this level they date other people, try to keep away from any serious relationships, and try not to be around that ex-companion. The worst level of depression is almost the same as the level mentioned above but you do not try and move on with your life. Instead of moving on, the person is constantly thinking about the past relati...