Breast Cancer
11 Pages 2851 Words
may decrease the chance of getting breast cancer by a small amount. There has been research as to whether or not diet is a factor in the formation of breast cancer. “Some authorities believe that up to 30% of breast cancers may be attributed to dietary influences.” It is not known which dietary factors are important here although dietary fat seems to be a culprit. Alcohol consumption has been associated with a weak increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. “Obesity during the postmenopausal years has been associated with a small increase in breast cancer risk. Interestingly, being markedly underweight in the pre-menopausal years also increases the risk while postmenopausal obesity does not.” The use of x-rays in young women has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. “However, the usual does of radiation from a mammogram (x-ray of the breast) is very small. Most health authorities agree that the risk of inducing a breast cancer is extremely small compared to the benefit that a mammogram may find breast cancer when it is smaller and treatment is more effective.” Routine mammograms are mainly used for women who are over the age of 40 and more resistant to the effect so radiation than younger women. Contrary to what most believe, smoking does not appear to either increase or decrease the risk of developing breast cancer.
“Historically, in the United States, black have had a lower incidence of breast cancer than whites, but unfortunately the survival rate for blacks is lower than the survival rate for whites.” This is said to be because of the great difference in access to medical care. “In Canada the age adjusted risk among First Nations women seems to be lower than that among Caucasians.” “Since ethnic groups who migrate to North America form areas of lower risk (Japan, Southeast Asia) adopt the higher risk of the ‘average’ woman in North America within 1-2 generation...