6 Pages 1520 Words
The simple explanation of homosexuality has baffled scientists, theologians, philosophers and the general public for hundreds of years. In many cultures homosexuality is looked upon as a sin or an unforgivable crime against morality, however, there are a few scattered cultures throughout the world in which homosexuality is favored or even encouraged. According to our social norm a man should be attracted to a woman and a woman should be attracted to a man, deviation from this norm creates an entirely new group of “sexual deviants” (Rollyson,23).
For many decades, primarily at the beginning of this century these sexual deviants were thought of by doctors and psychologists as mentally ill individuals and were treated as such. Some underwent painful procedures to “straighten out” their brain function, others found themselves locked up in institutions heavily medicated and labeled a danger to society, still others endured a battle far worse than any treatment a doctor could prescribe the emotional torture of coming to terms with who they really were and then having to keep it locked up for fear of being found out.
There are many opposing viewpoints dealing with the nature vs. nurture debate regarding homosexuality. Some ask if it comes from a variation in our genes or our physiology, from details of our personal histories, or a union of these. Is homosexuality a choice or compulsion? Can it be controlled? Truly, there is no one solid solution these questions and it has become very clear that no one single study or bit of information can clearly explain the mystery surrounding homosexuals and their feelings.
Since homosexuality is now seen as “life left-handedness” many studies and debates have taken place in order to better explain this social anomaly. There is strong evidence on both sides of the debate however, due to the conservative nature of our culture the argument that homosexuality is unnatural and is very much b...