Nutrition And You
8 Pages 2122 Words
that grows out of the ground. The energy in
carbohydrates is almost instantly digested. This results in a quick rise in blood sugar
which is soon followed by a drop in blood sugar which is interpreted by the body as a
craving for more sugars. This sugar low may also result in fatigue, dizziness,
nervousness, and headache. However, not all carbohydrates do this. Most fruits,
vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are digested more slowly.
Fats, which are lipids, are the source of energy that is the most concentrated. Fats
produce more that twice the amount of energy that is in carbohydrates or proteins.
Besides having a high concentration of energy, fat acts as a carrier for the fat soluble
vitamins, A, D, E, and K. Also, by helping in the absorption of vitamin D, fats help
make calcium available to various body tissues, in particular, the bones and teeth.
Another function of fat is to convert carotene to vitamin A. Fat also helps keep organs
in place by surrounding them in a layer of fat. Fat also surrounds the body in a layer
that preserves body temperature and kee...