Endangered Species
7 Pages 1631 Words
"Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands this will rather preserve its life than destroy it."
-Henry David Thoreau
Thousands of species are placed on the endangered species list each day. These species can range from animals to plants and many of them can’t be helped because of the low number of them. Many species from this list do become extinct and if too many of the vital species become extinct then life could actually fall down and everything in the world could be destroyed. But many things can be done to prevent the downfall of all life on your planet. We just need to sometimes step in and help with everything we have or we need to step back and sometimes let nature help.
An endangered species is anything living that is at threat to become extinct. We mostly focus on animals that we are educated about and are common. Have you ever heard of an Aye-Aye? It looks like a cross between a Lemur with orange eyes and a Raccoon. Since 1973 there have been only 29 species that have been taken off the list, 7 of those were due to extinction. There are some animals that have made a come back but their number is smaller then the extinction number only by one. There have been 6 different animals of many different species, like Aleutian Goose, American Bald Eagle, Gray Whale, the Nile Crocodile, Peregrine Falcon, and the Utah Prairie Dog. But many animals aren’t this luck many animals are nearly extinct, like the Chinese Alligator or as they call it the Chinese Dragon, there are only 5,000 alligators in captivity in China. This could be the first of the crocodilian family to become extinct. Also another reptile in China is even closer to the brink of extinction, the Tu Long or “muddy Dragon” is only in the hundreds, more about 150 are left. Even thought this specific type is living on a wildlife reserve little is being done to keep the species safe and guarded. Hope could be ta...