Welfare Fraud
5 Pages 1348 Words
What is welfare fraud? Welfare is aid in the form of money or necessities for those who are in need provided by an agency or program through which such aid is distributed. Fraud is the act of deceiving or misrepresenting something. So when these are put together you can understand what exactly they stand for. Welfare fraud is the process by which a person or family may try to cheat or deceive the system. Now a days people are finding better and easier ways to cheat the system.
Some examples of welfare fraud are as stated cases included one person in Birmingham who was collecting benefits under two names and Social Security Numbers until two case workers saw him at the same time. When the recipients of welfare cheat the system the United States is out of billions of dollars.
There are both positive and negative outcomes on the subject of welfare. The positive outweighs the negative, especially for children. Welfare is aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need or an agency or program through which such aid is distributed, but simply welfare is the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity. This is what we need for every child to understand that they matter in today’s society. A child’s conditions make it a lot harder on them to get through life. Which is why substantial previous research has found that children from low-income families perform worse than children from higher income families, on a set of indicators of academic achievement and behavior problems (Corcoran, 1995; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997; McLoyd, 1998).
There are quite a few reasons leading to the negativity of children living with families that are on welfare. One of the biggest reasons is the fact that these children may grow up never learning how to live independently because they are so used to seeing their parents depend on the government for financial support. They do not have a clear pictu...