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Reaction To Terrorism

3 Pages 669 Words

I believe the September 11 attacks on innocent civilians were acts of terrorism not acts of war. According to Webster’s New World dictionary terrorism is the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Apparently this is what occurred through Osama Bin Laden, the leader of these attacks on Americans. Unfortunately, this tragic event did occur. It was not an act of war as President Bush and his cabinet claim. It was a tragic and devastating act of terror. This event almost immediately caused the American President to declare an outright war on terror. What I don’t fully understand is why there was suppose to be an outright declaration against terrorism altogether. By the simple use of reason, isn’t there a constant aura around terror that all people on the receiving end are against it before it has even occurred. As ridiculous as it may seem this is the propaganda that is constantly being fed to the American public.
It is ridiculous to think that this country could be immune to the strife of the rest of the world. And the simple consequence of that is that a certain group called Al Quada took out their outrage on America. The political leaders were put in charge to safeguard the citizens and innocents of this country and instead concentrated on the menials of society such as the impeachment of the prior president for an adulterous scandal.

Terror can not be handled by the same standards as war. The eradication of terrorists are a necessity, but not through the facade of war. War is and always has been reserved for countries or between factions within the same country. I understand the need to eliminate those that pose a risk to this great land. But it is also important to do so in a very discreet manner through as The Middle Ea...

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