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You sit slouched in the reclining chair as you wait restlessly for the plot to unfold. It’s definitely the boy who’s behind all of these murders, you think to yourself. While you ponder about the ten dollars that you have just wasted on another predictable movie, the plot takes a twist, and it turns out the mother was the killer all along (Friday the 13th)! Suddenly, your attention fixes back on the movie, as you now become more pleased with the purchase of your ticket. Maybe this film wasn’t so bad after all...
Movie twists have always been a way for Hollywood to make their audience energized. The fact is, people like to get surprised. They don’t want to sit through another conventional film in which the woman leaves the man just so they can fall back in love in the last fifteen minutes. An audience wants to see something fresh, not something that they can figure out by watching the previews. Some films get all of their credit simply by how well they were able to shock their viewers. Examples of this include such movies as The Sixth Sense and Fight Club. You go along with the whole movie believing in one thing, but when the plot hits its climax, everything changes, and you now have to start following all new concepts....

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