Treasure Of Sierra Madre
3 Pages 711 Words
Howard, Dobbs, and Curtin all are shown in the same predicament when they are sleeping in the hostel place. They all have pretty much no money. Howard sets in the two younger men’s’ hearts the drive to look for gold and possibly find a fortune. The only problem is that they are short on money to buy supplies by one hundred dollars. This problem is solved when Dobbs wins the lottery and receives the equivalent of one hundred dollars in Mexican money. He puts up for Curtin and so their expedition for gold and treasure begins.
Howard is shown as a wise old prospector. This image that the viewer has of him leads the viewer to think that he has struck it rich many times, and he has also lost his wealth many times looking for gold. For this reason Howard’s dream of treasure in the beginning of the expedition is portrayed as just a lust for gold. Throughout the movie he sees how Dobbs is changing because of all the money he is making, and Howard’s original view of treasure is changing due to that. Also the event when he goes and helps revive the boy changes his perspective on treasure. After that event he is asked to come back and basically be there leader and create a government. He feels that any amount of gold he could have had is not worth the opportunity to go and live out his life with all the food he can eat and also to be a powerful man in the Indian village. He decides to do this instead of go look for gold that he has lost.
Dobbs at the start of the gold expedition dreams of being filthy rich and spending his money on material goods that he has not had the opportunity of owning because he is so poor. When all three men are sitting around the camp fire discussing what they are going to do with each of their shares of the treasure Dobbs is the only one of the group that wants to just buy food and other material goods. He grows suspicious and greedy of his gold. Towards the end of the expedition he suspect...