Downsized Workforce
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Downsized Workforce
From the beginning of time life depended on the hard work of the human being. As time progressed and labor was made easier for employees of companies, jobs were cut and lost because of the technological advances in the work places. Organizations are now doing this all over the world and people are losing their jobs and more importantly the means of providing and surviving in this day and age is becoming uncertain for millions of people. Jeremy Rifkin said in “The End of Work”, “Intelligent machines are replacing human beings in countless tasks, forcing millions of blue and white collar workers into unemployment lines, or worse still, breadlines.” (Rifkin. Everyday Arguments. Longman Publishers. 1950 Pg.320) People should fear the word downsizing because it is the current, visible form of termination in the workplace that threatens the meaning of life itself. Work, which is essential for personal existence for individuals and communities must be restored so that people will feel a since of belonging in the workplace and for just spiritual awareness in people’s lives.
According to George Ritzer it is called Mcdonaldization. Ritzer defines McDonaldization as “the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world.” (The McDonaldization of Society. Ritzer. 2000:1) McDonald’s has come up with many ideas and advances to help better there service but also to gain more profit by eliminating jobs. When you go to a McDonald’s and you fill your own drink up on your own that eliminates one employee per McDonald’s. That saves the fast food chain a lot of money a year. About .67 employees are eliminated from McDonald’s because of the way they cook their fries. All an employee has to do is set the fries in the grease and when they are done cooking a beeping noise goes off to indicate the fries are r...