Software Quality Assurance Plan
22 Pages 5445 Words
e determined in the Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) which will be produced by each individual team.
Some teams may not agree that certain processes that are stated in the SQAP are unsuitable for their particular situation. In such cases, teams can initiate process improvements by submitting Process Improvement Proposals (PIPs). The procedure to be followed for submitting a PIP is given in Section 5.5.
1.3 Software Engineering Projects
Projects for this course come from a number of divergent sources. Clients fall roughly into the following two categories
1. External Clients independent of the University.
2. Internal Clients other departments/faculties of the University.
The platforms for projects are usually PCs running Windows (95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP), Macintosh, or a combination. Normally students will make use of facilities within the Department, but in some cases extra facilities may be necessary for the project. In this case it is expected that the extra facilities are provided by the client.
No team member may be the c...