Server Imaging
14 Pages 3531 Words
anted to simplify and improve the current business process.
There are many different Systems Administrators (SA) for the 15,000 servers. Ensuring that all of the SAfs are applying the appropriate security patches and OS fixes uniformly across the enterprise is almost impossible. Amalgamated Online wanted the new solution to allow for a more centralized architecture. The company also wanted to consolidate the SA responsibilities to one group. The intent of the consolidation was to provide standardization of the server configurations across the enterprise.
Decreased cost, increased efficiency, and improved security are the three main measures of success for the project. Upon completion, these quantifiable benefits would make it easy to determine how successful the project was. The most noticeable success factor would be the removal of the onsite vender. There would be an immediate and noticeable cost savings associated with the installations and configurations being completed in-house. The cost of man-power will be reduced by at least 8 million dollars a year.
The service level for deployment of the servers will also be greatly reduced when the project is completed successfully. Currently, depending on the vender, servers can take 2-3 months from procurement to deployment. When the products are being configured internally the servers will be ready for delivery in 35 days. This decreased deployment time would also improve business operations by removing third party delays for Information Technology projects.
Another tangible benefit of the projectfs success was the standardizing of images across the corporation. There are many reasons that the standard image is necessary in todayfs environment. Security will be improved dramatically through the use of an in-house standard image. The team responsible for the configurations will be ensuring that all equipment meets the security standards at Amalgamated Inc. Currently, the vendo...