28 Pages 6878 Words
erpreter. The Java compiler takes Java program, instead of generating machine codes from source files; it generates byte-codes which are a special set of machine instructions that are not specific to any one processor or computer system.
o To execute a Java program, you run a program called a byte-code interpreter, which in turn reads the byte-codes and executes Java program. The byte-code interpreter is also called the Java virtual machine or the Java runtime.
Java stems from C++; however it is a “pure” object-oriented programming language. What we mean by a “pure” object-oriented programming language is that everything in Java is treated as an object.
1.2 Who created Java and why?
Java began its origins at Sun Microsystems were it became as a small project composed of a team of only 13 people known as the Green project. Without thinking of designing a programming language, the Green project at Sun Microsystems began its work on what they thought would be the next wave of computing.
The philosophy of the Green project was that the next technological trend would be the convergence of digitally controlled consumer devices. To cater to this idea, they developed a device known as Starseven, a small handheld device capable of communicating with several electronic devices
Since the device controlled different electronic devices from different manufacturers, the language it ran on had to be platform independent. This language was called Oak, named after the tree outside project leader James Gosling’s window. Unfortunately, the idea the Green project developed flopped in the consumer electronics market. Luckily, another market was currently booming, the Internet.
1.3 How Java became what it is today.
At the beginning of the development stage, Oak was intended to be used for
consumer electronic products only. Little did they know, Oak’s design criteria were essential to what programmers needed during t...