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Cross Cultural Communication

9 Pages 2302 Words

the differences in these people because these differences are important to understand them, and to make them understand ourselves.
In order to face this kind of dilemma, that is how to face the different people in different ways, to meet mutual success.
In this assignment we look at one of the most commonly known difference in people throughout the world that is Universalism Vs Particularism.
What is Culture?
It is difficult to give a specific definition of culture, but in a broader sense, and meaningful in our context, culture is the way in which a group of people solves problems and reconciles dilemmas.
More professionally, culture is defined as a ‘software of the mind’ (G. Hofstede). Culture is also interpreted as a resource for economic activity.
However, if I were to give my personal definition of culture, then it would be like this “A culture is a way in which people see things, think and react to situations. Thus because different people have different ways of looking at the same thing, they do not have the same culture. Also, culture is usually different in both deeper ‘layers’ as well as upper layers.”
The seven dilemmas
The seven dilemmas are the seven bases on which the explanation of the differences in culture can be explained. These seven dilemmas or bases are as follows:
1- Relationship with people
a. Universalism Vs Particularism
b. Individualism Vs Communitarianism
c. Neutral Vs Emotional
d. Specific Vs Diffuse
e. Achievement Vs Ascription
2- Attitudes to time
3- Attitudes to the environment
These seven bases are sometimes further classified, but these themselves are enough to explain the major differences in culture.
The aim of this assignment
In this assignment however, we are going to focus on just one first important dilemma of culture, the base of different known as Universalism Vs Particularism. In order to define the differences of this base, examples of global projects, with ...

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