Bernard Bass
6 Pages 1573 Words
y Bass's work can be classified as the contribution to further research and contribution to the application of leadership theories.
a) Elaboration and Differentiation of TFN and TCN
Bass has further elaborated and differentiated Burn’s concept of TFN and TCN. Rather than TFN and TCN being at opposite ends of a continuum, Bass asserted that they are distinct, but related concepts, and that a leader can have both. He considered that TFN is an augmentation and extension of TCN. All leaders are transactional to a certain extent, exchanging rewards with followers for performance, but that some leaders are also transformational in that they proceed beyond normal leader-follower relationship (Doherty & Danylchuck, 1996).
b) The components of TFN and TCN
Bass (1995) has further dissected TFN and has come up with four components which he considers TFN leaders use to stimulate and engage followers. These four components, the four Is (Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation, Individualized consideration) basically convey the idea that TFN leaders seek novel ways of doing things, seek opportunities in face of risk, prefer effective to efficient answers and attempt to shape and create new environment rather than accepting the status quo. ...