Group Success
12 Pages 2923 Words
doing or not. In the case of forming groups there are certain benefits and drawbacks associated with it. These could include:
1. Groups take advantage of a wider range of knowledge (brought about by having a number of members), expertise and ideas.
2. Groups have an effective way of getting everyone to agree on a particular idea (consensus).
3. Groups have an effective way of communicating complex information.
1. Blocking - in a group only one person can talk at a time.
2. Dominant people – its common in a group that talkative peoples get to say the most and the everyone else experience exponential drop off.
3. Status differentials – it happens in a group wherein you picked up a wrong leader. Since leadership in a group is not defined by position, but personal traits. It could happen that the group chose a wrong person to do all the decision-making and the talking.
4. Motivation – in a group social loafing is very common. It is a belief that says, “well if everybody else is contributing then ...