The Use Of Love In Troilus And Criseyde
14 Pages 3564 Words
n see in Troilus and Criseyde. Criseyde promised Troilus that she would always be faithful, yet she broke that promise by becoming involved with Diomede. She then deceived Troilus of this by hiding her involvement with Diomede from him. It is interesting to note that the other two instances of the word “falsen” are associated with Troilus and how he will not falsen Criseyde. Criseyde, however, never says she won’t falsen Troilus.
Along with the above passage, telling readers to love Jesus Christ, comes the narrator’s description of the Holy Trinity in the last stanza. The narrator prays to the Lord:
Thow oon, and two, and thre, eterne on lyve,
That regnest ay in thre, and two, and oon,
Uncircumscript, and al maist circumscrive,
Us from visible and invisble foon
Defende, and to thy mercy, everichon,
So make us, Jesus, for thy mercy digne,
For love of mayde and moder thy benigne.
Amen. (V. 1863-70)
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This passage says, “Thou one and two and three, eternally alive, that reigns ever in three and two and on...