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Death Of A Salesman Female Roles

4 Pages 921 Words

Women in today’s society have a variety of roles to perform throughout their lives.

To become a complete woman, one must embrace each role as a vital piece of her

own individuality. As the expectations of society changed with feminist movement,

women recognized these new aged standards. Which in turn combined the roles of

women into one conflicted model, each of our main roles contradict one an other,

but the fundamental intent of each role has not been altered throughout


“Arthur Miller” has revealed the diversity of women’s roles in “Death of a

Salesman” by individualizing each female role in this playwright. The sympathetic,

and tenderhearted behavior of Linda Lawman has placed her in the task of a

thoughtful mother figure. Sexual female roles are also dramatized throughout this

play, for instance “The Woman”, who is Willy’s mistress. As well Miss Forsythe and

Letta are illustrated as ladies of the evening. Jenny is a secretary, who does not

receive respect she is entitled to as a workingwoman.

Every one of these roles is essential to women as a whole; being devoid of any of

these characteristics would create a perfect woman within expectations of today’s

society. Throughout history the fondness of a woman’s attention has been a spirited

pursuit for men, women’s sexually has always been used to caress males confidence.

The Lowman men use women to boost their egos right through the play. Happy and

Biff both believe that intercourse is directly associated to ones own self-confidence,

as well that using woman for sex is completely appropriate way to treat women,
“I’ve got to see that old confidence again. Do you want her? She’s on call.” Willy is

no more exceptional at the art of courting a woman then his sons are. The most

important incentive for the affair is Willy’s personal self-worth; “The Wom...

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